“Confessions of a Superhero” is a crowd funded web series created by Scott Sawitz and Mike Noyes that was filmed in the summer of 2016. Sawitz & Noyes wrote, directed and produced the series, which is set in San Francisco. The series was filmed in the greater Bay Area.
The Series:
"Confessions of a Superhero" was a long simmering project that finally found its way in front of a camera in June of 2016. Set for a fall 2016 debut, COASH came to life via crowd funding. Based on a script written by Scott Sawitz and Mike Noyes, and directed by the two, "Confessions of a Superhero" is a comedy about the private lives of superheroes. It aims to find out the answer to a question not discussed all that often:
'What happens when superheroes stop being super ... and start being real?'
Set in San Francisco, “Confessions of a Superhero” is a look into what would happen in the private lives of a superhero and supervillain who are best friends, roommates and both unaware of one another’s secret identities.